Friday, October 06, 2006

Halloween Countdown: Mort Number Four

I can't believe that none of you knew this last Mort, who is currently a feature player in the Teen Titans. This is Eddie Bloomberg, also known as Kid Devil. Just like his mentor the Blue Devil, before Eddy was a real demon, he was just a kid in a Devil suit. His powers were mechanical in nature, mostly derived from his suit which gave him strength and agility. He also possessed a Rocket Trident, that could propel him through the air several miles. How Eddy was tranformed from the cute trick-or-treater you see below to a gasoline-blooded demon has not yet been explored.

Okay, the new mort is cheating a little, but it dove-tails so well with my movie discussion on the main blog. I assure you that it is a Comic Book character that you would associate with all of the dark and mysterious things that go along with Halloween.


Blogger KeeperOfBooks34 said...


7:05 AM

Blogger KeeperOfBooks34 said...

Oh, and "Just look at your name. 'Sham-.' You are most definetly a fake, a phony, a scam. And '-Rock?' You don't rock. Jericho rocks."

7:07 AM


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