Monday, October 08, 2007

Tall, Dark, and Glass-Jawed Mort

With more thought, I think I was unfair to our Morts from last week. The first issue of the Order was only so-so, but the two subsequent issues have been really good. It is recommended reading. For those unaware, Tony Stark created the 50 state inniative in the wake of Marvel's Civil War. The innitiative created a super human team for each of the states in the union. The Order is the team stationed in California; Los Angeles to be exact. The membership of the Order consists of:

Top Row (Left to Right):

Aralune (Becky Ryan) - A pop diva with shapeshifting power. Imagine if Britney Spears were a Skrull (which might explain some things).

Supernaut (Sgt. Milo Fields) - Crippled in some undisclosed incident, Supernaut fights injustice in a large battlesuit.

Anthem (Henry Hellrung) - The field leader of the Order is actually an actor who used to play Iron Man in the Marvel Universe's Avengers TV show. He has the powers of, "a supercell Thunderstorm" (whatever that is).

Bottom Row (Left to Right):

Calamity (James Wa) - A former major league baseball player who lost his legs in a car accident, Wa created artificial legs and has the ability to move at super speed.

Veda (Magdalena Marie) - Veda can create geomorphic constructs (dirt people) that follow her mental commands.

Mulholland Black - She draws strength from Los Angeles itself to enable her to wield a really big hammer.

Alright, the new mort is obviously an enemy of Spider Woman. Who is this long-legged mort?


Blogger KeeperOfBooks34 said...

Is that Hakeem Olajuwon? Why does Spider-Woman hate Hakeem? I think this proves that Spider-Woman is a skrull, because everyone loves The Dream.

11:05 AM

Blogger KeeperOfBooks34 said...

What do you guys think of the new Captain America design?

11:02 AM


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