Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Caught in the Web of the Mort

Randy gets the prize for Dream Girl, a member of the Legion of Super Heroes who had precognitive powers (for the layperson, that means she could see the future). You'd think with that power that she could have kept herself from getting trapped in the weird contraption.

New Mort. By the way, it is really hard to photoshop a spider web design and have it look normal.


Blogger KeeperOfBooks34 said...

Looks like the original Tarantula, You know, the one that didn't defile him. I think his name was John Law.

2:46 PM

Blogger january embers said...

I can never beat Randy to the draw! And for once I had enough text clues that Google was useful...

I suppose I will have to be satisfied with concurring with Randy on Tarantula.

3:25 PM

Blogger january embers said...

Does anyone know why our post times are in Pacific Standard Time?

3:26 PM

Blogger GliterallyScoot said...

That happened to me a while back. For some reason my time setting reset to an incorrect time, so I had to go into my settings and fix it.

10:35 AM

Blogger KeeperOfBooks34 said...

I should point out that I mean to day the Tarantula that didn't defile Nightwing. Right after she killed Blockbuster.

For a while, John Law lived in the same apartment building as Dick Grayson.

6:38 AM


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