Monday, February 19, 2007

Bullet Proof Mort

You were so close this last round! Our mort is indeed the girl that appeared in the House of M series who could remember life before Scarlet Witch did her thing. Post M-Day, she appears in the current X-Factor series, which is really quite good if you haven't given it a chance. Her gimmick nowadays is that she, "knows stuff" and is therefore able to help the team out. Her help usually takes the form of a Rube Goldberg-esque series of events that she sets in motion. For example, she might be seen casually tossing a wrench into the trash can. Later, another character won't be able to fix the leaky sink because of the missing wrench. Finally, an assassin will break in and attempt to kill a character, but will slip in a puddle formed by the leaky sink and be caught. So she is the behind the scenes difference maker.

Okay, new Mort is up, and Joanna could answer this one in her sleep. How about you?


Blogger GliterallyScoot said...

WHOO HOO! I was right! You're right though, I could answer this one in my sleep, so it's really not fair for me to tell who it is just yet. I'm giving ya'll a few days to figure it out, and then I'm spilling the beans. I will give hints though: he's one of my favorite mutants; he's in one of my favorite series; his code name comes from an old mutant team and has appeared as the title of a small series as well as the name of a present team of mutants. :-) Good choice of Mort, Paul! :-) You just won some brownie points...

12:00 PM

Blogger KeeperOfBooks34 said...

This guys looks like an X-man who can create forcefields like Sue Richards. I have no idea what is name is.

12:09 PM

Blogger KeeperOfBooks34 said...

Thinking about the clue that his name was an old mutant team, is his name Hellion?

7:58 AM

Blogger GliterallyScoot said...

Yes, he can create force fields like Sue Richards. The code name is correct, but that's the easy part. What's his real name, and what series is he currently appearing in? And what is his power exactly? Let's step it up a notch. :-D

8:53 AM

Blogger KeeperOfBooks34 said...

He's name is Mortimer McIDon'tCare.

He's probably a long lost brother of Cyclops. No wait, they already did that again. So he's some kind of test-tube baby grown from Wolverine's DNA. No, that's somebody else also. Oh, I know. He's a clone of Sue that Reed grew for Ultimate Jarvis, only Reed hasn't read Ultimates 2 yet because of the delays.

He is an x-man. That means all I need to know is that he fights to protect a world that hates and fears him. The details are pretty much interchangeable.

12:31 PM

Blogger GliterallyScoot said...

Well that's not so nice. :-P

12:33 PM


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