Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Good Night, Mort

As Randy correctly identified, Tyroc was the member of the Legion of Super Heroes with Sonic Powers. His origin is at least a little interesting, as he is one of the descendents of a group of slaves who escaped a slave ships as it was making the middle passage and settled on a remote island that moved in and out of dimensions every 200 years. My favorite part of Tyroc, as evidenced by his wikipedia page, is that different screams caused different things to happen:

Among the screams in Tyroc's arsenal:
EEYYAAAHH! - pyrokinesis
AHHRRRRRR! - force field
OYYUUUUUU! - teleportation
ARRRRHHHH! - explosions
ZZZRRRUUGGHH! - telekinesis
UIUUIEEEE! - transmutation
ARRREEEEG! - weather manipulation
IRRRRWWWW! - chlorokinesis
CCCIIIRRR! - vertigo
RRRYYYY! - wind manipulation

That is classic, silver-agey goodness.

Okay, the new mort is a gimmee to EDMC, but let's see if any of the rest of you know it.


Blogger KeeperOfBooks34 said...

Nocturne? Daughter of AOA Nightcrawler and AOA Mystique?

11:23 AM

Blogger GliterallyScoot said...

Ding ding ding -- givbe keeper a cookie for his knowledge of random Marvel trivia. :-) She's one of my faves. She had a stroke in the last couple of years by the way.

6:30 PM


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