Monday, June 02, 2008

Purrrfect Morts

The Wrath was a Batman villian who is kind of the Reverse Batman (his parents were criminals who were killed by a police officer in front of him and he therefore dedicated his life to "avenging" them). He appeared in a very good Annual of Batman in the 80's and a recent story arc in Batman confidential which was also a lot of fun.

The Golden Age Daredevil (now known as 'Devil in Project Super Powers due to copyright issues)watched his parents die, dedicated himself to fighting injustice, and was mute. He also throws boomerangs.

Okay the new morts are not difficult to any one who has read DC comics, but they are related to the blog entry I wrote here. So who are our teen age heroes?


Blogger KeeperOfBooks34 said...

I'm tempted to read the recent storyline for Wrath. But the greatest reverse Batman is Batzarro, World's Worst Detective.

These two aren't morts. What's the current status of Jericho? Is he back?

12:16 PM

Blogger Phylemon said...

I have the Batman Confidential arc if you want to borrow it. Jericho is in a weird limbo right now. He was returned from the dead thanks to Raven and Brother Blood's resurrection pit (Have they ever addressed how this pit is related to Ra's Al Ghul and his pits?), but in one of his recent appearances he had to possess Match (the bizarro equivalent of Connor Kent). He is currently unable to depossess the monster without it wrecking havoc, so he was left in the custody of S.T.A.R. labs and written out of the Titans.

1:39 PM

Blogger KeeperOfBooks34 said...

I'm fuzzy on the rules of a Jericho possession, and I all I know about Match is what you just said, but if Jericho is in control why does he need to be locked up?

I think I would like the Batman Confidential story.

1:54 PM

Blogger GliterallyScoot said...

OK I'm going to go ahead and answer this one since I'm bored and reading blogs... Jericho and Coriander. Ta da. I can even tell you these are pictures from the old Teen Titans run; although, I'm betting ya'll don't see it as "old".

Oh yeah - not getting comics yesterday has put me in severe comic book withdraw. I think I'm getting the shakes wanting to read comics so bad! lol.

9:37 AM


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