Tuesday, March 27, 2007

This Mort is full of Heart

Deathbolt was a flunky of the Ultra-Humanite, who performed nefarious experiments on him until his body became a living electrical battery. He is a mort in the truest sense of the word, as he has only been seen in a handful of appearances (most notably the aforementioned Crisis of Infinite Earths), and has seemingly dropped out of existence.
Alright, here is our new mort. He is Marvel, if that peaks Eric or Joanna's interest.


Blogger KeeperOfBooks34 said...

The Purple Heart?

9:55 AM

Blogger GliterallyScoot said...


10:00 AM

Blogger Phylemon said...


I so wanted to tie that phrase into my title for this mort, but couldn't make it happen.

12:43 PM

Blogger GliterallyScoot said...

Did you forget how to type? :-P

10:24 AM

Blogger Eric Swayne said...

OOO! OOO! The Cardiac Lover!

6:43 PM

Blogger KeeperOfBooks34 said...

Hey, back to the Deathbolt guy, is he the same guy Bolt from the begining of Identity Crisis?

2:30 PM

Blogger Phylemon said...

No, that is bolt, who was a Blue Devil / Flash villian. Darnit, there goes another Mort I could have used.

7:42 PM


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