Monday, April 30, 2007

Second String Morts

Ego, the living planet is a sentient planet in the Marvel Universe who often feuded with Thor and, on occasion, the Fantastic Four. For a sentient planet, Ego did some very unplanetlike things, such as cruising around the galaxy under its own power (stubbornly refusing to follow its orbit), and "consuming" smaller, less conscious planets. Although they have met a number of times, Ego and Galactus have never had a truly definitive match.

In the latest issue of Marvel Adventures The Avengers, the Avengers book that is geared more towards kids, Ego reappears and tries to romance Earth with humerous and futile results.

So last week, in the midst of the horrible weather that hit us in Dallas, we temprarily lost power in the Hylemon home. With no TV, DVD, video games, or computer (my stupid laptop has a bad battery), I became desperate for some sort of entertainment (Jennifer was gone at Bunco, so I couldn't even have a good conversation with anyone other than the cats). The blackout led me to my back issue collection, and to the series starring our latest Morts. For a series that only lasted 24 issues (many of which were co-opted by their predecessors), the series was a surprisingly good read. So, can you name the team, as well as the individual members?


Blogger KeeperOfBooks34 said...

I think these guys are Team Titans? I'm pretty sure they're post Zero Hour anyway, because of Ray Palmer's costume. I can'd tell if he is de-aged or not.

Anyway, I believe the pictures includes The Atom (Ray Palmer), Mal (they guy that got parts of Red Tornado fused in him during IC), Argent (the girl with rainbow colors). The blonde guy makes me think if Triumph, but I don't think that's him. No clue on the purple one.

This is a good mort, by the way.

12:28 PM

Blogger Phylemon said...

Not bad, Randy. You're two out of five, but I'm not going to tell you which two you got.

12:43 PM

Blogger KeeperOfBooks34 said...

Well I tried.

Don't forget that Saturday is Free Comic Book Day.

10:41 AM

Blogger Phylemon said...

That's unlikely. This is the first time in like three years that I will be home for a FCBD. Terry promises that he is going to have everything available and that I can have one of everything. Of course, Terry makes a lot of promises.

12:56 PM

Blogger KeeperOfBooks34 said...

We all do. I'm taking Little Bear so she can get the Mickey Mouse one. Usually I stop by a couple of different stores if I have time, so I don't take too much from one place. Plus I always try to purchase something as well, since the comics aren't really free to the stores.

And I think there is another FCBD Batman heroclix to be had as well.

9:03 AM

Blogger january embers said...

The guy in green is "Risk" and the gentleman in the hoodie is something that starts with a "J"... I think. I can't remember the purple chick's name. These are an incarnation of the Titans, but because I can't remember the details, I will likely have assigned reading when I get home from San Antonio! :)

6:45 PM

Blogger january embers said...

Oh! And I read something about there being a Peanuts comic on Free Comic Book Day. Think Katelyn is too young to appreciate?

6:46 PM

Blogger KeeperOfBooks34 said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

6:51 AM

Blogger KeeperOfBooks34 said...

Shelikes Snoopy in his Kroger brand fruitsnack form, so we'll probably try to get it. Thanks for the heads-up.

Actually, she is wearing a shirt with Snoopy today. Granted it is a Central Michigan University shirt with Snoopy as Joe Cool, but Snoopy none the less. It was chosen, much to my chagrin, over the Dallas Mavericks shirt I got her for the playoffs. I guess she isn't feeling "Rowdy Proud Loud" today.

6:56 AM


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