Monday, July 09, 2007

Poorly Dressed Mort

Joanna gets the prize this week, as she correctly identified American Eagle, Jason Strongbow. His latest appearance in the Marvel Universe was as one of the hunted anti-registration heroes in Thunderbolts. In what was my favorite fight scene of the last few weeks, American Eagle went one on one with Daredevil archnemesis Bullseye, surprising everyone by not only defeating the marksman, but crippling him, perhaps permanently. When I first read the story, I saw it as a great victory for "my" heroes, as the decidedly mort-ish American Eagle took out one of the A-list baddies (it's the equivalent of Booster Gold taking out the Joker), but the more I think about the current events in Marvel Comics, I've become convinced that either American Eagle or Bullseye is a Skrull. I'm calling that, by the way, so give me credit when it's revealed.

I've decided to move over to the DC Universe for a mort or two. To be honest, I can't remember if I've done this one or not, but since she was recently featured in an excellent back-up story in a major mini-series, I thought it would be nice to pull her out of the mothballs and dust her off for you. By the way, I think I'm coming down with a summer cold, not that this is a hint or anything. Just making conversation.


Blogger KeeperOfBooks34 said...

It's dreaded Legion replacement hero Tartan Tart.

6:26 AM


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